Recoil - compilation "Selected" - et soirées "Selected events"

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Messagepar exJCiter » 13 Mar 2010, 11:20

En parlant de cela il faudrait peut-être créé un nouveau sujet pour les commentaires détaillés, histoire d'éviter à ceux qui ne souhaitent pas en savoir trop avant leur show de pouvoir continuer à suivre le sujet !

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Messagepar K Sharon » 13 Mar 2010, 19:47

Une video de Recoil "live" à Barcelone :

I want an equal amount of blueberries in each muffin.
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K Sharon
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Messagepar prodigy75 » 13 Mar 2010, 22:55

Ce soir à Madrid version remixé de Never Let Me Down Again joué par Recoil...
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Messagepar kissamode » 13 Mar 2010, 23:08

prodigy75 a écrit:Ce soir à Madrid version remixé de Never Let Me Down Again joué par Recoil...

Je commence à être très intéressé...
Saison 4: The Frozen Heart et la Sérénité Crispée
Saison 5: Le retour de Frozen Heart et la tendresse sans terre ni ciel
Saison 6: Le lien et le rien
Saison 7: Prendre appui
Saison 8: Le livre
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Messagepar mags » 14 Mar 2010, 11:50

Ne cliquez pas si vous ne voulez rien savoir. ;)

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Messagepar exJCiter » 14 Mar 2010, 15:45

Merci d'avoir présenté les choses ainsi !
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Messagepar 100window » 14 Mar 2010, 19:49

Sait-on s'il y a du marchandising? Histoire de savoir de combien je serai ruiné en rentrant de Paris...

100window"marchant du temple"
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Messagepar aaron » 15 Mar 2010, 23:58

prodigy75 a écrit:Ce soir à Madrid version remixé de Never Let Me Down Again joué par Recoil...

La vidéo est ici :

NLMD by Recoil
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Messagepar malk66 » 16 Mar 2010, 00:04

Le 17 mars, la légende de la radio allemande Olaf Zimmerman consacrera une heure à Recoil dans son émission ‘Elektro Beats’ sur RADIO EINS. Cette émission sera précédée le 16 mars au matin par ‘Favorit Musik’ dont Recoil sera le fil rouge – et sera suivie d’une interview exclusive d’Alan en direct à partir de 14.00 le 18. Soyez à l’écoute.
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Messagepar mags » 16 Mar 2010, 00:25

Beaucoup de nouvelles ce soir :

- Berlin : DJ Jonny Slut (Atomizer, NagNagNag) sera l'un des nombreux guests.

- Hambourg, Anvers, Paris : Olivia Louvel sera présente.

- Hambourg : le show sera filmé.

- Munich, Cologne : Sarah Blackwood (Client, Dubstar) officiera aux platines.

Recoil / Alan Wilder - Official page (Facebook)

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"Silens loquor"

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Messagepar pierrot » 16 Mar 2010, 13:09

ouverture des portes au BUS 19h30.

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Messagepar mags » 17 Mar 2010, 22:50

Nouvelle info :

- Zurich : Recoil sera rejoint par Jerome Soudan.

Recoil / Alan Wilder Official Facebook

"Silens loquor"

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"God, I can be such an apple slut !" Elliot Reid
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Messagepar dave1er » 18 Mar 2010, 21:42

Interview d'Alan Wilder par le fan-club suisse de DM : Alan, it's been quite a while since you packed your bags and started touring. The last time you were really on tour must have been with Depeche Mode in 1994. Why does the Recoil man feel the urge to go en route for a longer period? After all, the "Selected Event" tour takes several weeks, months, actually

AW: The idea really evolved once I decided to undertake some promo visits. I realised that I couldn’t just keep making personal appearances to sign CDs and this seemed a perfect opportunity to do something extra, given that we have some new remixes on the ‘Selected’ album, and in a way it’s a celebration of nearly 25 years for the project. Once we decided to put an audio/visual presentation together, it made sense to visit more cities and maximise the effect. You are in Zurich with your long-time co-producer Paul Kendall on March 31st. What can we expect of this evening called "A Strange Hour with Alan Wilder and Paul Kendall"?

AW: Come along and find out:) Would you consider doing a Recoil live gig, on stage with a real band some day?

AW: Probably not – there are so many live bands out there, I prefer something a little different, although I did see Massive Attack recently and they made their collective work very well live, with a band and different vocalists appearing at various points in the show. Usually there was always a longer time period between two Recoil album releases. Now, only three years after "SubHuman", you released a Best Of album. Does "Selected" rather mark the end of a 24-year chapter beginning in 1986 with "1+2" than, in promotion matters, the beginning of a new and more commercial era?

AW: More commercial? Who said that?:) Well it was only the other day that I realised the project is almost 25 years old! So I guess it’s time for a bit of a celebration, but apart from that I will try to carry on experimenting with not too many preconceptions or limitations. I just do what I do and see what transpires. On your Recoil albums you've already worked with different famous voices like Tony Halliday, Moby or Douglas MacCarthy. How do these collaborations work? Do all the artists come to the "Tine Line" and carry out your instructions or is it the other way round?

AW: It varies from singer to singer. Usually I provide a framework for them to work to with on their own, then we get together (often at The Thin Line) and record the ideas, and then I re-work everything at least once more. It’s important that the atmosphere is there from the beginning to hopefully inspire them. After a bluesy "SubHuman" in 2007: Does the concept of "Recoil" still have some potential for further collaborations and experiments?

AW: I very much hope so. It is such an open book, as I say with no real restrictions, so I guess anything could happen. You recently contributed a great remix called "I Am Undone" to the new Nitzer Ebb album. Are you planning on doing some more remixes "made by Alan Wilder" for other bands?

AW: Thank you – glad you like it. Remixing is not something I actively pursue – the Ebb mix was a mutual favour really (they did one for ‘Selected’). I enjoy doing them occasionally if it’s a good track. During the years of 1982 to 1984 with Depeche Mode you've composed songs like "Fools", "Two Minute Warning", "The Landscape is Changing" and "If You Want". Would you be tempted to remix these tracks or to re-arrange them using contemporary techniques?

AW: That’s not really something I’d be especially interested in. There are certain old DM tracks I’d like to have another go at but these would be from a later period I think. In Switzerland you are known from numerous concerts and TV appearances with Depeche Mode. Do you connect anything else with our country?

AW: Hmm... there are the clichés of course:) Neutralism, Toblerone, Mountains, the Red Cross. Then there is Yello, a distinctly below average national football team, a genius tennis player, H. R. Giger, too many languages, a rather good restaurant in Berlin called Nolas, and my very good friend Reto Bühler. Your Swiss fans are looking forward to seeing you at the "Kaufleuten" in Zurich on March 31st. They wish you a very successful upcoming "Selected Event" tour.

AW: Thank you – and I’m very much looking forward to being there. I’m not really sure how the crowd will be so I’m very curious about that event.
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Messagepar tibo » 18 Mar 2010, 22:49

dave1er a écrit:Interview d'Alan Wilder par le fan-club suisse de DM

C'est très intéressant mais nous sommes sur un forum francophone !
Merci de ne pas copier/coller de longs textes en anglais !
Traduisez pour la communauté francophone !

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Messagepar 16 Decoy Avenue » 19 Mar 2010, 11:52

Le teaser pour la sortie officiel de Selected. Ici
Sometimes I forget all I will regret when I leave this world behind. It happens all the time

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Messagepar djeanprost » 20 Mar 2010, 08:37

pierrot a écrit:ouverture des portes au BUS 19h30.


Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire si la fouille à l'entrée est serrée ou pas. Est-ce que je peux rentrer avec mon réflex ?
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Messagepar mags » 20 Mar 2010, 10:32

djeanprost a écrit:Est-ce que quelqu'un peut me dire si la fouille à l'entrée est serrée ou pas. Est-ce que je peux rentrer avec mon réflex ?

Il n'y a eu aucune fouille pour Nitzer Ebb. Ils ont à peine regardé l'intérieur des sacs à main (pour regarder quoi ? Aucune idée ! :bigggrin: ).

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Messagepar mags » 20 Mar 2010, 10:39

Alan présente ses invités, hier soir, aux Studios Hansa à Berlin :)


"Silens loquor"

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Messagepar mags » 20 Mar 2010, 23:20

Hansa "spoiler" part 1

Hansa "spoiler" part 2

Vous êtes prévenus ;)

EDIT : Ah oui et... MERCI ;) .

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"Silens loquor"

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Messagepar mags » 21 Mar 2010, 18:40

Nouvelles infos concernant Paris et Londres :

- Jonny Slut et Fil Jones d'atomizer seront de la partie.

- Présence d'Alan Wilder à l'after officielle aux Caves St-Sabin. :fletch:

Recoil / Alan Wilder official Facebook

Plus d'infos sur l'after officielle (détails, plan...)

"Silens loquor"

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"God, I can be such an apple slut !" Elliot Reid
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